Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Raines Law Room

48 W 17th St It’s time I let the cat out of the bag. There are a handful of places around the city I refuse to blog about simply because they are too special, and I rather surprise people personally. Raines Law Room was quickly becoming one of those places. Because the place is brand new (i.e. still off the radar of New Yorkers), I decided it was safe to review.

I have been to Raines Law Room a number of times. The Flatiron speakeasy that opened end of January 2009 might be my favorite bar above 14th Street.

For my most recent visit, my drink companion and I were led to the open kitchen in the back of the bar while we waited for a table to open up. The kitchen features a large island where customers can watch the bartenders work their magic. Since I had tried nearly every gin cocktail on the menu by this time, I chatted up the bartender/mixologist for a recommendation. I told him I was craving berries, lime, and honey. We decided to drop the honey for a more favorable drink he had in mind.

We were seated at a yellow couch near the entrance. 5 minutes later, our drinks arrived. Typically, the drinks are served with popcorn but we ordered a cheese and olive tray instead. I was expecting something slightly fancier than what we received; 2 different kinds of olives served with sharp cheddar cubes. For the price, it was very disappointing.

On the other hand, my drink was fantastic (it always is). I have no idea what the particular concotion was called but know it contained blackberries and gin. I was very impressed. I do not recall what my companion ordered but suspect it contained vodka. He was quite pleased as well.

(see host with French accent; knowledgeable bartenders; doorbell entrance; open kitchen; dressing room bathroom with sliding door; cozy Harvard Law School décor; chill atmosphere; background jazz music, etc.)

Olive tray; pricey

I recommend going to Raines Law Room now. Stop reading and go. It opens at 6pm. If it is before 6pm, go stand in front of the door and wait. If it is packed, put your name on the list. The host will call you. I promise. He has my number memorized. Maybe. Probably.

If you are a tourist looking for a nice speakeasy, Raines Law Room is it. Trust me on this one. You will have better luck of getting in than some of the city’s better known speakeasies. Just don’t go when I want to go; I don’t like waiting.

DAMAGE ~ $13/per drink

1 comment:

  1. this place is great. Thanks for the recommendation. Ive never had a gin drink before with cucumber juice in it, it was supreme! I will continue to bring out of towners and other people that I want to impress to this spot.
